Women, Words, Sex, Politics, as well as John 8:7

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The October 9 presidential debate focused on women, with the moderators introducing a concern near the beginning about an 11-year-old recording of some crude words about women by Donald Trump. According to some, including prominent Republicans, he dedicated the Unforgivable transgression as well as is irredeemable as well as deplorable, like half of his supporters.

Hillary Clinton declared that she has spent her public life fighting for the rights of women as well as kids around the world. She didn’t state what she is doing for them; perhaps she’s referring to her push for abortion.

Image Courtesy of The Week – theweek.com
If we look at deeds rather than words, Trump took the unmatched step of a pre-emptive counter assault with a pre-debate press seminar featuring Paula Jones, Kathleen Willie, as well as Juanita Broaddrick. They accused expense Clinton of molesting or raping them, as well as Hillary of endangering as well as intimidating them. A reporter asked Willie whether this was “old news.”

While Trump apologized for his words as well as promises to be a much better man, Hillary has never apologized for enabling her husband’s abuses or for calling his victims “bimbos,” “trailer trash,” as well as worse. She has never shown any type of sympathy for them, or for the 12-year-old whose rapist she defended.

Image Courtesy of salon – salon.com
What about women’s rights in the nations that are funding Hillary’s campaign? Hillary took $25 million dollars under the table from Saudi Arabia while she was secretary of State. This is treason. One wonders; what did they get in return? What did Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Algeria, as well as the United Arab Emirates get for the millions they provided her?

In Saudi Arabia, a guy can take his spouse out to the desert as well as kill her, as well as there will be no investigation, no prosecution, no consequences. In Saudi Arabia, every woman as well as lady is had by a male.

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While she was secretary of State, she refused to listing Boko Haram as a terrorist organization, as well as they kidnapped numerous women in Nigeria who are most likely now sex slaves.” In her wake, she leaves death as well as damage of our national security as well as freedom. She wishes to open our borders to the most dangerous subversive slaughterers since the Nazis.

Hillary wishes to import guy to our united states from Islamic nations where women as well as women are offered as sex slaves. as well as what may they do after they arrive? As far back as 1989, Muslims were bring out killings of their own female relatives in the U.S., for listening to music, dressing in American garments styles, as well as dating non-Muslims. The murder of 16-year-old Palestina Isa was caught on audiotape, since her father was a member of the Abu Nidal Organization, which was plotting to bomb the Israeli embassy at the time, as well as the FBI had bugged their house.

Other victims include Sandeela Kanwal, Amina as well as Sarah Said, as well as Noor Almaleki, ages 25,19, 18, as well as 20, murdered by their fathers for being as well Westernized. female genital mutilation, as well as subsequent medical as well as mental issues have already been seen by some physicians in this nation.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations put forth some Taqqiyah (approved lies to protect Islam) about this, since it’s a public relations black eye for Islam.

However, the Koran has a chapter dedicated to women. From the N.J. Dawood translation, p 360: “Men have authority over women since Allah has made the one superior to the other, as well as since they spend their riches to preserve them. great women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts since Allah has guarded them. as for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them as well as send them to beds apart as well as beat them.” The Koran likewise decrees that a woman’s statement is worth only half that of a man; guy get twice the inheritance of a woman. This is enshrined in the Koran. The Koran likewise tells guy that they are prohibited to take in marriage married women, “except captives whom you own as slaves.” Yes, slavery is okay in Islam. okay with you, Hillary?

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Does Hillary expect Muslims to modification their religieuze overtuigingen? Ze eist dat christenen afstand doen van hun overtuigingen over abortus.

In het debat noemde Hillary de persoonlijke e -mailserver een ‘fout’, waarvoor ze stelt dat ze ‘verantwoordelijkheid neemt’. Anderen die verplicht hebben genomen voor minder ernstige inbreuken, dienen gevangenistijd. Wat betreft de bezorgdheid van Trump over het verwijderen en ‘bleken’ van tientallen talloze e -mails nadat ze een congres -dagvaarding had gekregen, had ze niets te zeggen. Obstructie van rechtvaardigheid is een federaal misdrijf, Hillary.

Hillary’s woorden van bezorgdheid over zowel vrouwen als andere Amerikanen zijn zinloos, evenals haar daden duidelijk van bitrente voor de media.

Donald Trump is misschien niet perfect, maar hij lijkt tenminste te zijn gewekt in de afgelopen jaren voor de waarheid dat onze natie in diep gevaar is. Hij kan bronnen van dat gevaar duidelijk bepalen. Hij heeft echt resultaten opgesteld in zijn levenswerk. Hij heeft een geweldig gezin vergroot. Ik geloof dat hij berouw is over zijn opmerkingen. Hij kan gebrekkig zijn, maar hij toont tenminste menselijke sympathie.

Aan degenen die plotseling stellen dat zijn woorden zo goed verschrikkelijk zijn om te vergeven: “Als u, o Heer, zou ongerechtigheden moeten markeren, Heer, die zou kunnen staan?” Dus houd rekening met de woorden oh Johannes 8: 7: “Laat iemand onder u die zonder overtreding de eerste is om een ​​steen te gooien …”

Link naar dit bericht: vrouwen, woorden, seks, politiek, politiek, evenals Johannes 8 : 7


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